Number of selected NUTS 0
NUTS name Straw Residuals of pruning Livestock Residues Hay from permanent grassland Forestry residues Green urban areas Perennial crops Roadside vegetation Biodegradable municipal waste Bio-waste of food industry Total

Map description

The map present technical straw potential that was assessed by subtraction of the amount of straw necessary for animal bedding and feeding in addition to the part of straw that is needed for incorporation into the soil. Straw for energy purposes was defined as a total production minus from the straw used in the production of animal feed and bedding, which is necessary in the maintenance of soil.
The map presents theoretical potential of straw that was assessed as total straw resources possible to obtain from cultivation of wheat, maize (corn production only), barley, rapeseed, rye, oat, rice, mixed cereals and sunflower. It was assumed that the estimated resources are surplus straw, minus any straw for its use in agricultural production. Estimates were based on a Eurostat database. The amount of straw was obtained by multiplying cereals yield by the appropriate factor determining the ratio between the yield of grain and straw yield.
The map presents technical potential of pruning of permanent plantations: olive trees, vineyards, fruit trees, were assessed. Residuals of pruning – the main residuals: cut branches and the other biomass, which can be treated as a year’s net primary productivity (grass, shrubs). Residuals of pruning are instantly ready for energy carriers production. Therefore was assumed that technical potential is equal to theoretical potential.
The map presents theoretical potential of pruning of permanent plantations: olive trees, vineyards, fruit trees, were assessed. Residuals of pruning – the main residuals: cut branches and the other biomass, which can be treated as a year’s net primary productivity (grass, shrubs). The locations of potential pruning areas were taken from CLC. Class number 15 (vineyards), 16 (fruit trees and berry plantations), and 17(olive groves) were used. Geo-processing were conducted at scale of pixel size = 100x100m. For selected areas a NPP values were assigned. Raster map was tabulated by NUTS-3 SHP file. As a technical potential, 50 percent of assessed biomass was considered. The purpose of this is that NPP values consist of many different kind of biomass, e.g. fruit yields, vegetation from the environment of permanent crop fields, natural vegetation within fields like a grass or shrubs. The indicator (0.5) was chosen based on expert knowledge, literature review and consultation.
The map present technical potential of manure, which can be used for energy purposes, is defined as the difference between the theoretical potential, and demand for organic fertilisers in agriculture (according to the assumed scenarios). This value was determined as half of the maximum nitrogen dose per hectare. The demand for natural fertilisation was modelled in the following steps: Step 1. Calculation of the nitrogen content in manure fraction derived from cattle, pigs and poultry, Step 2. Estimation of the potential of natural fertilisation intensity by specifying the maximum N (dose due to a nitrogen content) per hectare of arable land.
The map present the theoretical potential of livestock residues, which is defined as livestock excreta, and associated losses, bedding, wash waters, sprinkling waters from livestock cooling, precipitation polluted by falling on or flowing onto an animal feeding operation, and other materials polluted by livestock. The potentials were estimated for three main types of this kind of biomass: residues from cattle, pigs and poultry, including four type fractions of manure (solid manure, liquid manure, slurry, deep litter). Theoretical potential of animal residue are defined: the actual production of solid manure, liquid manure, slurry, deep litter from cattle, pigs and poultry.
The map presents the technical potential of biomass, which is a surplus of hay in NUTS-3. It was assumed that the excess hay is estimated as the difference between the potential productivity of biomass under permanent pasture and hay demand associated with the farming of ruminants. For the 27 EU countries, data was obtained from Eurostat, while the grassland area of Switzerland was based on land cover map (CLC) and national statistics (FSO, 2012). The demand of hay for livestock was specified for ruminants, based on data from Eurostat. Due to the lack of a European regional database, which characterise animal feed, the optimal scenario was adopted. It was assumed that ruminants are actively feeding on the resource growing on the meadows and pastures. Regardless of whether in the region the grazing animals or feeding processed hay were present, a daily dose of 20 kg per head was assumed, which annually, assuming a 20% reserve, gives 8.76 tons of hay. In the absence of data for certain NUTS-3 units, the technical potential of surplus hay was estimated for available level of NUTS and proportionally distributed to the share of grassland in the NUTS-3 under the CLC. Sources of data were used in the modelling are summarised in below table In order to convert the modelled mass into energy of hay, the assumed data was based on ECN Phillis calculator where one ton of hay, with a moisture content of 15%, has an average heating value of 13.4 GJ.
The map present the theoretical potential which was calculated as a potential productivity defined as the average yield of hay (Smit et al., 2008), converted into an area of permanent pasture. For the 27 EU countries, data was obtained from Eurostat, while the grassland area of Switzerland was based on land cover map (CLC) and national statistics (FSO, 2012).
Scope and definitions The scope of this activity was to assess the potential of forestry residues for bioenergy use. Forestry residuals were assessed based on the BEE definition and methodology (BEE (ed. Vis M.W. and van den Berg D.) 2010). The forest residues were defined as:
  • Stemwood: biomass from pre-commercial and commercial thinning and final fellings, available for energy production, including whole trees and delimbed stemwood from pre-commercial thinning’s.
  • Primary forestry residues: logging residues, stumps.
  • Secondary forestry residues: wood processing industry by-products and residues – sawdust and cutter chips, bark, slabs, lump wood residues and black liquor.
  • Woody biomass from short rotation plantations on forestlands.
  • Trees outside of forests such as trees of settlement areas, along roads and on other infrastructural areas.
The map presents the technical potential was assessed with assuming listed below specifications (BEE, 2010, ): 50 % - Recovery rate of above ground forest residues; the recovery rates have been selected in line with the level chosen by EEA (EEA 2007) and Asikainen (Asikainen, Liiri et al. 2008) but simplified to 0.5 per country 20 % - 40 % as a Recovery rate for stumps; recovery rates for stumps have been chosen lightly lower compared to Asikainen et al. (2008) and merely a very course differentiation within countries was made with reference to silvicultural and harvesting practises and species distribution 30 % - Part of the surplus complementary fellings are reserved for material use of wood 5 % - Part of the current net annual increment is reserved for an increase of standing volume to facilitate an increased carbon storage and for biodiversity purposes including an increase of the dead wood component and to increase the share of mature forests especially in protected areas 5% - Consideration of unrecorded harvests from industrial roundwood in the current harvesting statistic (thus attributing more wood from the entire harvesting potential for material use). Spatial explicit method Yield was estimated for forest areas determined based on CLC map. From this map, deciduous, coniferous and mixed classes were extracted. For each NUTS-3 region, the average NPP for value were found based on the WDC-RSAT data. The relative differences of net primary productivity have been used (as weighting factors) to redistribute the theoretical and technical values of potentials from countries level to the raster map.
Scope and definitions The scope of this activity was to assess the potential of forestry residues for bioenergy use. Forestry residuals were assessed based on the BEE definition and methodology (BEE (ed. Vis M.W. and van den Berg D.) 2010). The forest residues were defined as:
  • Stemwood: biomass from pre-commercial and commercial thinning and final fellings, available for energy production, including whole trees and delimbed stemwood from pre-commercial thinning’s.
  • Primary forestry residues: logging residues, stumps.
  • Secondary forestry residues: wood processing industry by-products and residues – sawdust and cutter chips, bark, slabs, lump wood residues and black liquor.
  • Woody biomass from short rotation plantations on forestlands.
  • Trees outside of forests such as trees of settlement areas, along roads and on other infrastructural areas.
The map present the total theoretical potential of primary forestry residues in European countries The assessment is based on data from 2003 to 2007. To convert one tonne dry matter to energy, an average moisture content of 35% is assumed. This results in a conversion per tonne matter (wet weight) of 10.06 MJ per kg and is equivalent to a conversion of 15.48 MJ per tonne dry matter. With the approach chosen, the country and species-specific values of wood density are considered. On average, when recalculating the energy content per m³ for the technical potential at EU level, this results in 0.173 toe/m³ and 7.25 GJ/m³. This conversion value is close to the 7.2 GJ/m³ that have been utilised in the EU Wood study (BEE report “Executive Summary, Evaluation and Recommendations” (BEE 2010).
The map present the technical potential of biomass, which can be obtained as a natural conservation matter on the artificial, non-agricultural vegetated areas. As a technical potential 50 percent of theoretical potential was assumed for each pixel.
The map present the theoretical potential of biomass, which can be obtained as a natural conservation matter on the artificial, non-agricultural vegetated areas. Biomass that is composed of leaves, shrubs and grass, can be obtained as residues from the conservation of green urban areas, port and leisure facilities. The potential is assessed based on CLC. This map allows determining green urban areas (class 10) and Port and leisure facilities (class 11). For selected pixels, the values of NPP were re-written. Analysis was conducted at a scale of 100x100m for 27EU + Switzerland.
The map present the technical potential of biomass that can be obtained from cultivation of perennial crops. The energy crops can be characterise as woody or herbaceous crops grown specifically for their fuel value. Short rotation crops include: willow and poplar for all Europe except from southern countries, for which eucalyptus is considered relevant. Perennials grasses include: miscanthus for all countries, except from northern and southern Europe, for which reed canary grass and switch grass are more suitable respectively. The technical potential was calculated as 50 % of theoretical potential
The map present the theoretical potential of biomass that can be obtained from cultivation of perennial crops. The energy crops can be characterise as woody or herbaceous crops grown specifically for their fuel value. Short rotation crops include: willow and poplar for all Europe except from southern countries, for which eucalyptus is considered relevant. Perennials grasses include: miscanthus for all countries, except from northern and southern Europe, for which reed canary grass and switch grass are more suitable respectively
The map present the technical potential of biomass that can be obtained from cut grass, shrubs and trees grown by the roadside. The study was based on OpenStreetMap data that provides vector maps about European roads network. For the analysis, the main classes (motor ways, primary ways and trunk ways) of roads were extracted. To this set vector map of railway network was added. It was assumed that the biomass could be obtained from 10 m wide roadside strips. Only for 'trunk' road type the width was reduced to 5 m. As a biomass yield, we have adopted average values of NPP for NUTS-3. The values (tons) were tabularised for NUTS-3 regions. In order to convert the modelled mass into energy, assumption were done based on ECN Phillis calculator that one tonne of biomass extracted from maintenance routes with a humidity of 15%, has an average heating value of 14.8 GJ.
The map present the theoretical potential of biomass that can be obtained from cut grass, shrubs and trees grown by the roadside. This vegetation can be treated as new kind of biomass residues, which can be possibly used for energy purposes. Theoretically all biomass directly existing on side of the road is possible to use as an energy biomass. Exact estimation of this potential is very difficult for assess due to variability of the green buffer. This applies to types of roads and EU regions.
The map present the technical potential of biodegradable municipal waste, bio-waste of food industry and forest industry waste. To calculate technical biodegradable municipal waste potential a geostatistical and geoprocessing analyses were applied for finding the most customised barrier separating urban areas from scattered settlements. In the result the minimal area, where technical potential was taken into account, was defined as a subset of min. 3 pixels (3 km2) with potential greater than 30 t for each one. Additionally all pixels with potential greater than 120 t were assumed. For calculating low heating value 6.7 GJ/t was assumed.
The map present the theoretical potential of biodegradable municipal waste, bio-waste of food industry and forest industry waste. Municipal waste consists to a larger extent of waste generated by households, but may also include similar wastes generated by small businesses and public institutions and collected by the municipality; this part of municipal waste may vary from municipality to municipality and from country to country, depending on the local waste management system. For areas not covered by a municipal waste collection scheme, the amount of waste generated is estimated. The waste paper and the cardboard (and textile) were excluded from the municipal biodegradable waste.
The map present the theoretical potential of bio-waste of food industry. Residuals of food industry are instantly ready for energy carriers production. Therefore was assumed that technical potential is equal to theoretical potential.
The map present the theoretical potential of bio-waste of food industry. Due to the limited data and the ability to conduct at regional NUTS-3, two types of waste were identified that were generated in the production of olive oil and grape processing (mainly in the production of wine). The potential of waste from the olives and grapes processing was estimated on the basis of statistical data from Eurostat (yield of the plants on a scale of NUTS-2). The results were disaggregated to NUTS-3 assuming that the data is distributed according to the proportional share of the surface of vineyards and olive groves, which were based on the CLC. The amount of the olive and grape specified as percentage waste fraction which arising from the processing were used. Factors and taken as the average values reported by Mahro and Timm (2007) were used. The values obtained were reduced by the percentage of the total production of grapes and olives, which are exported without processing. In order to assess the balance between local processing and export the Eurostat data was used. Geoprocessing analysis was carried out according to the below formula and sources of the databases are presented in table . In order to convert the modelled mass into energy was assumed that one tonne of waste biomass from grape pomace, with humidity 80%, equivalent calorific value (calorific value) = 2.2 GJ per tonne and olive pomace, with a moisture content of 65%, equivalent calorific value = 5.6% (ECN Phyllis 2, Mohro and Timm, 2007).

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